Selina is a beautiful, woollen spun heavy 4 ply/sport yarn, made from Shetland fleeces from two Lancastrian, women owned flocks. Soft, bouncy and very (very) small batch - this yarn has a real story to tell, just like her namesake.
Jess, 15, has just started to grow her flock and knew she didn’t want the beautiful fleeces to go to waste. (Click through here to read about meeting Jess and her lovely flock!) Dianne keeps her Shetland sheep for joy - and spins her own yarn from its fibres. Selina Martin was a Lancastrian who fought for women’s rights with the Suffragist movement. Treated appallingly in prison due to her working class status, she bravely kept to her protest, making the world a fairer place for women like us to live and work in. Thank you Selina!
This is our first batch of Selina, from 2023 clip. The run was small to start with but we lost a lot in the processing - making this yarn extra special and very limited edition. We hope to have another batch spun next year and as Jess & Dianne's flocks grow, so will our stock!
Spun in Yorkshire.
100g skein 350m approx
100% pure British wool - cool hand wash
*The fantastic band was designed by David McNeill of Revo Creative who took inspiration from the Suffragist banners and placards.