Mamó is a worsted spun DK yarn, made from fleeces of Poll Dorset and Bluefaced Leicester sheep that graze on farms around Lancashire and Cumbria. With this yarn we pay homage to those who came before us, passing on skills from generation to generation. In this case my Irish grandma/mamó who sat patiently showing me the loops and repeated stitches I needed to begin my knitting journey. Go raibh maith agat Mamó. (Thank you grandma.)
Click through here for a simple and quick, colour work hat - designed by me! (Kate) When I decided to dedicate our Mamó yarn to my gran, who taught me how to knit - I made a promise to myself that I'd also try my hand at writing a pattern for it.
Samples shown:
Saknes by Zanete Knits (in Athlone Ruby)
Lodestar by Kjerstin Rovetta (in By The Bridge Blue)
Click through for the Clougha Pike Cowl Kit designed by Ruth Matthews!
Add some custom made stitch markers from Frip & Bib! (below)
50g ball
110m approx
100% British Wool (50% Poll Dorset 50% BFL)
Spun in Yorkshire
Cool hand wash